Temples, shrines, gardens …

If you have just a day or two to spend in Japan, skip Tokyo and go to Kyoto and Nara. You will find there many beatiful temples, shrines and other nice places like these shown below. If you are in Tokyo, just take a shinkansen (famous Japanese super-hyper-ultra-sonic-turbo-electric-femto-second-bullet train) that will take you to Kyoto (with the speed of over 200 km/h) in just two hours (for only $100). Don’t sleep while traveling by this bullet, cause you have some chances (if the weather is fine) to see Mt. Fuji.

Heian-jingu (Kyoto)
just some other places in Kyoto
Golden pavilon (Kinkakuji)
Kiyomizu-deraByōdō-in (Uji)
stone lanterns
yet another beautiful composition of rocks, wood and plants.Just look at this roof. Isn't it fabulous?

Copyright (c) Tomasz Starecki 1993-2017